Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Minutes: Region III Meeting May 10th

Thanks to Felix for being such a gracious host - with a delicious lunch and parting gifts! And to all those who were able to make the meeting: Danny Bailey, Maria Murphree, Marilou Marcotte, Linda Garcia and Carment Bryant. And to those who were there in spirit - your dedication to the ministry is very inspirational!

It was another great time of exchanges - Confirmation stories, youth group attendance incentives and upcoming events. Here's a recap of what was discussed.

Summer Event Planning:
A regional calendar will be posted listing all summer events. The events "open to the public" will be noted and can be a great opportunity to pilgrimage to a sister parish to meet other youth. Besides knowing what's happening around the region, this calendar may spur parishes with ideas for their summer programs or who they might collaborate with regarding similar events.
An email reminder will be sent to solicit these summer events.

Meeting Dates for 2010-2011:
Meeting every other month seemed to be the consensus of the group. The first meeting will be at the Fall Gathering, September 8-9, 2010 at Palisades. Please come and bring your calendar. We hope to schedule the dates for our November, January, March and May regional meetings.

Confirmation Collaboration:
Sharing ideas for community service, retreat formats and what works/new ideas will be an online collaboration via the blog or on-line bulletin board.

Prayer Intentions:
Please let me know if your group is going on a Mission trip or would like to request a particular prayer intention. We would like to list these on the blog so that the region can say special prayers for your group!

Training Topics:
- The Archdiocese is considering the Strong Catholic Families/Strong Catholic Students program by the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry to be put on at the regional level. Please be on the look out for more information via email.
- Volunteer development (Cathesis, Catechist Certification Program, Youth Ministry Studies Certificate
- Leadership Development for growing youth groups
-Technology in Ministry
- Resource Book/Survival Guide to Ministry
- Comprehensive Youth Ministry: Refresher
Let me know if you have other topics you'd like to see offered at the Regional level.

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