Tuesday, February 2, 2010

ONE WEEK Dates/Locations for Junior High and High School

For more information about a particular site or for registering your group, please contact Britta Folden at 206.382.2010 and/or britta.folden@seattlearch.org. Please keep in mind that it will be first come, first served in filling these spots once registration materials are available. Your non-refundable deposit check per participant holds your spot until confirmation of numbers date...look for more information to come!

July 18-23 - Hoquiam
August 1-6 - Forks
August 8-13 - Everett/Snohomish
August 15-20 - Seattle

July 11-16 - Forks
July 18-23 - Bellingham
July 25-30 - Seattle
August 1-6 - Hoquiam

1 comment:

  1. PLEASE SEE POST on February 18th for most UPDATED Dates/Locations!
